Navigational Buttons

Jun 24, 2009

more practice xD

this one's from my sketchpad :D featuring some of the Greek gods and goddesses as kiddies xD

aaand this one's for practice xD ate han saw this posted in my blog so she asked me to post it here too xD


  1. haha kami yung nag animation yet we have little animation done. hahaha

  2. haha kami yung nag animation yet we have little animation done. hahaha

  3. LOL. I recognize Hermes on the upper left corner! hehehe Tell me about the other characters! :D

  4. ahaha i might study animation too after college :D if my rents approve xD

    yup clutzy hermes xD hera's on the foreground, zeus' hitting on a greek girl [with the fake santa clause beard coz he thinks facial hair attracts ladies xD], poseidon's on a toy car, and hades mining for minerals before he'd harvest people's souls haha xD

  5. Goooo! Hindi pa huli ang lahaaaat! xDDDD

    Hahaha I have that same concept too once! Mga greek gods and goddesses rin! xDDDDDD

  6. next time try making your animation a little less faster. heheh yung tama lang.:D


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